DUMKA – Multidisciplinary Mental Health Team for Refugees from Ukraine

This project is implemented with financial support
of the capital city of Prague

Collaborating on the project are:: Metropolitní zdravotnícký servis p.o., Agency for Migration and Adaptation AMIGA, z.s., Fokus Praha z.ú. a Green Doors z.ú.


Project name: DUMKA – multidisciplinary mental health team of refugees from Ukraine

We help people from Ukraine manage difficult life situations with an emphasis on their mental health

Dumka is a project that arises in response to a clear demand for psychosocial support for refugees and those helping them after the outbreak of war in Ukraine in February 2022.  The aim is to help alleviate the effects of the traumatic departure from their home country and the constant uncertainty that refugees experience while the war it won’t end. We are moving towards a better adaptation in a new country.



The DUMKA team consists of Ukrainian and Russian-speaking specialists in mental health, health care, social work and education. These specialists work with clients in their native language to improve their psychological health and better adapt to life in the Czech Republic.


Psychosocial support;

consultation with Ukrainian and Russian-speaking psychologists and psychotherapists;

crisis intervention and a basic form of psychotherapy;

referral to the network of health and social services in Prague, including possible accompaniment to the relevant services.



Support from the project is intended for refugees from Ukraine who reside in the territory of the capital. city ​​of Prague and surroundings. We cannot offer basic needs (accommodation, etc.) to arrivals from Ukraine, but we do offer follow-up care, especially in the area of ​​mental health support, referral to the network of social services in Prague, accompaniment, etc.

We are also available to professionals and organizations working with refugees from Ukraine, people providing accommodation or other services for refugees. Last but not least, also to schools – kindergarten, primary, secondary and high school.

The services of the DUMKA team are free



Write to us at: dumka@amiga-migrant.cz

On working days from 9:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., call: +420 778 979 211


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